Professionally competent skilled manpower in the field of architecture and interior design.
Ensure professional education consistent to the changing needs.
Create a conducive environment focusing student centric learning.
Cultivate the spirit of creativity and innovation, with emphasis on ethical practices and environmental sustainability.
The Department of Architecture & Interior Design is one of the oldest department of the institute. The course was started along with inception of the institute in 1964 as Department of Architecture. Later on, Interior Design part was also added to make it more specialized to suit the demands of the construction industry, and the name was changed to Department of Architecture and Interior Design in 2006-07.
Department is equipped with smart classroom, CAD lab, Design studio, language lab to keep pace with latest technology trends. Practical oriented teaching learning process is supported by site visits, market surveys, guest lectures and also participation of students in various competitions and exhibitions, career counseling and personality grooming sessions are organized for students from time to time.
The pass outs of this course can:
1. Work in the offices of practicing Architects/ Interior Designers and Construction firms.
2. The interested students may obtain a degree equivalent to B.Arch. through correspondence course from IIA Mumbai which enable them to run their own firms.
3. Become an entrepreneur in the field of interior design.
4. Work on small construction projects after gaining due experience.
5. Become eligible for NATA entrance exam for getting admission in B.Arch. course (after due approval of CoA*)
6.Get admission in second year B.E.(Civil Engineering) through lateral entry.
Programme Educational Objectives
Programme Outcomes
Programme Specific Outcomes

Dr Aradhana Hans

Dr. Sushama Gokhale

Keerti Garg

Dr Charumitra Patil

Dr. Jitendera Airan

Ar. Sonal Choudhary

Ar. Raghuwar Singh
Admission Criteria
It is a full-time regular programme.
Duration of the programme is Three years (six semesters).
Intake capacity is 60 seats.
Candidate should be M.P. domicile.
Eligibility is 10th pass (With Mathematics and Science as compulsory subjects) from any recognized board or equivalent.
Entry through Pre Polytechnic Test (PPT) conducted by PEB, Bhopal ( and on qualifying exam (10 th) basis, through Centralized Online
Counseling/College Level Counseling organized by Directorate of Technical Education, M.P. (
Reservation of seats as per M.P. Govt. Rules.
Academic Calendar
Click Here for Academic Calendar Jan-June 2022
Click Here for Academic Calendar July-Dec 2021
Click Here for Academic Calendar Jan-June 2021
Click Here for Academic Calendar July-Dec 2020
Click Here for Academic Calendar Jan-June 2020
Click Here for Academic Calendar July-Dec 2019
Click Here for Academic calender January-June 2019
Click Here for Academic calender July-December 2018
Learning Resources
Laboratory Details
Architectural Education is incomplete without knowledge of professional drawing standards and practical aspects. The following labs and design studio, of the department, have all the basic and some advanced facilities to provide hands on training on drawing boards, model making, CAD tools, 3D modelling and Printing , Land and GIS survey:
1. Design Studio
2. CAD & GIS Lab
3. 3D Printing Lab
4. Model Making Workshop and
5. Survey Lab
Department Newsletter
Click Here for News Letter 2015-16
Click Here for News Letter 2016-17
Click Here for News Letter 2017-18
Click Here for News Letter 2018-19
Past Workshops/Expert Lectures/Educational Visits/Tours
The department has been conducting various expert lectures, workshop, site visits and such related activities to expose the students to various practical and other aspects of the field. The details are given as following link :
Contact Us
Phone No- 0755-2576839
Mobile No- +919826396732
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